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2021 Street Champion Michael Handschuh

Submitted by jasonm on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 10:39

At the JEGS Wednesday Night Series events the Street class is always a fun class to watch as you get to enjoy racers compete with their street legal cars and the class is also usually one of the biggest during those Wednesday night races.  This year it was a familiar name, Michael Handschuh that was sitting at the top of the points standings at the end of the season.

2021 Lion's Den Speed Angels Champion Karla Eveland

Submitted by jasonm on Tue, 10/26/2021 - 09:26

The Lion’s Den Speed Angels class this season was a hotly contested battle between Karla Eveland and Mariah Strausbaugh.  These ladies competed at each of the JEGS Wednesday Night Series event during the summer chasing down the coveted track championship.  Once the points were tallied up, it was Karla Eveland bring home the championship.

2021 Super Pro Motorcycle Champion Scott Sheppeard

Submitted by jasonm on Tue, 10/19/2021 - 12:45

The Super Pro Motorcycle class is always a class that has tough racers competing at each JEGS ET Series weekends.  This year was no different as the championship came down to the final points weekend and three riders competing for the championship (Scott Sheppeard, Mark Coulson, and Dave Hill).  After the final weekend, it was Scott Sheppeard taking home his second Super Pro Motorcycle championship.

JEGS ET Series this Weekend!

Submitted by jasonm on Fri, 09/24/2021 - 09:39

This weekend is our final JEGS ET Series races of the season.  We will be racing both Saturday and Sunday.

Racers can run 2 classes with the same car as long as the car is legal for both classes.  The more cars that come in each class the higher the payout goes.  Also anyone wanting to leave their trailers for the Halloween Hootout can do so.

Here are the run orders for both Saturday and Sunday.


Halloween Hootout Friday Night Shootouts

Submitted by jasonm on Mon, 09/20/2021 - 08:37

Attention Halloween Hootout Racers!

Remember registration for the Friday Night Shootouts will open at 8 pm on Tuesday, September 21st.  You will lock in your spot via the online registration.  You will still have to pay for the entry the day of the event in cash in Suite 103.

There will be no special time trial for the shootout racers.  If you want a time run, you will need to enter the Test & Tune.