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Final Points Weekend before 2022 ET Finals

Submitted by jasonm on Mon, 08/15/2022 - 11:51

This weekend will the be final points earning events for racers to qualify for the 2022 NHRA Division 3 ET Finals that will be at Indy on September 15-17, 2022.

Racers that are interested in going to the ET Finals as part of Team Trails need to contact Jason Murray.  If you can’t go but are high in the points standings, please let him know as well so that he can start compiling a list.

This year the team will consist of 32 racers, plus 2 high school racers.

Mopar Nationals Event Map

Submitted by jasonm on Wed, 08/10/2022 - 14:07

Attention Mopar Nationals Attendees!

Here is the Event Map that show what gates are for which activity.

Gate A off Hwy 40: Racers, Fun Field, Judged Car Show, Spectator Parking

Gate E off Hwy 40: Spectators and Handicapped parking

Gate H off Refugee Rd: Swap Meet and Car Corral


National Trail Raceway




Tonight's Midnight Street Drags Cancelled

Submitted by jasonm on Fri, 08/05/2022 - 12:56

Well Mother Nature has struck again! We have had received a substantial amount of rainfall this morning and with the expected thunderstorms to continue into the late afternoon and early evening we are making the decision to cancel tonight’s midnight drags.

We are looking at adding another one in October and will announce it as soon as we have it confirmed.

***Attention Racers***

Submitted by jasonm on Wed, 07/20/2022 - 11:07

Dear Racers,

Many of you know or some may not know that there is a shortage of traction compound this season. With that being said we are trying to stay as proactive as we can with our upcoming events. We will be switching our Friday Test and Tunes and JEGS ET Series to all 1/8th mile until further notice. We understand this is not an ideal and we thank you for your patience and understanding.

Thank You,

National Trail Raceway Management