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Friday Box and No Box Shootouts Update!!

Submitted by jasonm on Wed, 09/28/2022 - 09:23

Friday Box and No Box Shootouts Update!!


We want to apologize to each and every racer that has tried the last 2 weeks to get into the Box Shootouts.  We knew there was a problem last week, we were told that the problem was fixed and wouldn’t be a problem this week.  That proved wrong…so we have come up with a different plan for Box and No Box racers for the Hoototut this Friday.


This Weeknd’s Schedule

Submitted by jasonm on Wed, 09/21/2022 - 14:22

This Weekend’s Schedule!


Friday is a Bracket Test and Tune with gates opening at 4 pm. Testing from 5 pm to 10 pm.  If you are coming into park for the weekend on Friday, if it is before 7 pm you will have to pay the Friday Spectator price of $10 per person, if it is after 7 pm you don’t but you must purchase your Saturday or weekend tech cards at that time to be allowed in.


2022 Hootout Shootouts

Submitted by jasonm on Mon, 09/19/2022 - 09:42

Friday Night Halloween Hootout Shootouts!

This year we will have Box High Roller, Box Low Roller, No Box High Roller, No Box Low Roller, Motorcycle and Jr. Dragster Shootouts on the Friday Night of the Halloween Hootout on September 30.

Box Shootouts Registration will open at 8 pm on Tuesday, September 20th.

No Box Shootouts Registration will open at 8 pm on Wednesday, September 21st.