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Congrats to the ECF Racers!

Submitted by jasonm on Tue, 07/18/2023 - 08:50

We want to say congrats and thank you to all the Jr. Dragster racers and families that made the trip down to Bristol for the 2023 NHRA ECF Finals!  You all did a great job representing National Trail Raceway and you brought home the Best Appearing Track Award for your awesome efforts!

We want to say a special congrats to Anna Bunting for wining Closet to the Dial in her age group and Hayden Brown for getting down to 9 cars in her age group!

Night of Thunder FAQS

Submitted by jasonm on Fri, 06/23/2023 - 11:26

Night of Thunder FAQS


Q: What time do gates open?

A: Spectator parking opens at 1 pm with Spectator gates opening at 3 pm


Q: What time does the show start?

A: The Night of Thunder Show starts at 7 pm.


Q: Can you purchase tickets at the gate?

Weekend Update!!

Submitted by jasonm on Fri, 06/23/2023 - 09:28

Well, folks, mother nature has struck again here on day number one of the Buckeye Bracket Triple Crown. Due to the predicted rain forecast for today, we are canceling today's Friday edition of the Buckeye Bracket Triple Crown.

Gates will be open until 9 pm tonight for racers to get in.

Saturday and Sunday will now be $2500 to win each day. We will kick things off tomorrow at 9 am with one time run and go into eliminations afterward.