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Submitted by jasonm on Wed, 09/27/2023 - 10:45
National Trail Raceway

Thursday Parking from 5 pm to 9 pm.  If you get here after 9 pm you can come in the gate behind the tower and our overnight security will let you in and you will be given a receipt that you have to take to the front gate in the morning.

Friday’s Test and Tune is only for Halloween Hootout racers only! The Test and Tune will start at 9 am and it is $25, there will be no Time Trials for the Shootouts so if you want a time trial before the shootouts you must purchase a Test and Tune! No Box and Box Shootouts will start at 3 pm, with the Jr. Dragster and Motorcycle Shootouts at 7 pm.


Saturday gates open at 7:30 am! Jr. Dragster qualifying will be at 9 am, followed by New Entry Time Trial for Box and No Box drivers that did not go down the track on Friday. Motorcycle you will get 1 qualifying hit as well on Saturday.  We will have the Buckeye Stock/Super Stock 16 Car Championship run off as well on Saturday.

TRICK OR TREATING IS SCHEDULED FOR 7 pm to 7:45 pm!! THERE IS TO BE NO CARS MOVING IN THE PITS WHEN WE ARE DOWN FOR TRICK OR TREATING!! We will continue eliminations after Trick or Treating if needed.

Sunday at 9 am is New Entry Time Trial for anyone that has not been down the track all weekend. Then we will go into Round 1 of eliminations of Jr. Dragsters.

Remember the Schedule is Subject to Change.


National Trail RacewayNational Trail RacewayNational Trail RacewayNational Trail RacewayNational Trail RacewayNational Trail Raceway