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Submitted by jasonm on Tue, 02/22/2022 - 09:00
National Trail Raceway

As most everyone knows that on Friday during the pre-registration period for the Trails 300 event the servers of our website and our hosts went down numerous times.  We are fully aware of the panic it caused and we are deeply sorry for any inconvenience that it caused.

The issue that has come to light is with the crashing of the servers is that it allowed more than 150 Box entries into the event.  The total amount of racers that were allowed to register was 175 and we will allow them to stay in for the event, meaning the event for box will be 175 entries not 150.

We are also adding more money to the purse for Box.

The Box payout will be the following:


Win        $2500

R/U        $1000 (increase $500)

Semi      $500 (increase of $250 each)

1/4s       $125

1/8s       $60

1/16s     $30

Saturday and Sunday

Win        $5000

R/U        $1500 (increase $500)

Semi      $750 (increase of $250 each)

1/4s       $375 (increase of $125 each)

1/8s       $120

1/16s     $60

We are also currently taking names on a waiting list for Box entries and if you would like to get on that list please email

If you have any other questions please let us know.